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The Healing Space is a sensual wellness haven where conference patrons can rest and seek comfort. The Healing Space includes a cuddle area, emotional support, reiki, tantric touch, spiritual readings, meditation, and more. Volunteers including Licensed Counselors, Tantric Practitioners, and Energy Workers provide the services. The Healing Space and its alternative Therapeutic approaches have proven to assist conference patrons with a flow of ease during the conference and improved ability in identifying healing needs post conference. Getting services at our healing space help to decrease "con drop," as well as help folks with actualizing self-awareness.


We hope that you take full advantage of this space, as The Healing Space will now be traveling to different events and conferences throughout the nation,

so we hope to see you there!

Image by Rui Xu


Sex Down South’s Healing Space is dedicated to nurturing safer, more inclusive environments that empower individuals to explore and work to heal their full selves. Through compassion, acceptance and love, our mission is to affirm the wholeness of everyone who enters, fostering personal growth and wellness in a community that honors every story. We’re dedicated to helping our communities restore themselves and helping them to move forward in their journey towards growth and sexual evolution. Because we understand the dynamics and challenges of cisheteropatriarchy, we encourage lots of rest, pleasure and encourage folks to engage  self-preservation so they can inspire and cultivate their own communities.


Our vision is to become a vanguard in the intersections of sexual health, education, and healing that is celebrated nationally for fostering an inclusive healing arts community. We strive to set the benchmark for innovative, community-based, and trauma-informed care, creating a ripple effect of wellness across society. By cultivating strategic collaborations and diverse resources, we aim to sustain and amplify our impact. We envision a world where every individual is self-actualized and empowered to advocate for their best sexual well-being.  As a community-centered organization, we aim to provide continuous support and resources for all individuals who seek it.

Image by Jonathan Cosens Photography

Safety and Security Statement for the Healing Space:

The safety and security of our community is the foundation upon which we build our mission of nurturing self-discovery and healing.

Our Core Values in Practice:

  • A Culture of Consent: We recognize that clear informed and defined consent is paramount to the possibility of healing and foster an environment where our guests and team feel safe and empowered to communicate their needs and desires. Our spaces prioritize fostering a sense of empowering choice and individual autonomy. Interactions in the space, both physical and otherwise, occur only  when expressed and explicit agreement and understanding is active, present and defined. 

  • Comprehensive Communication Protocols: We are dedicated to maintaining open communication to safeguard the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of all individuals in our environment.

  • A Standard of Care and Accountability: Our healers are chosen based on an intersection of their skills, reputation of care and alignment of values with that of the Healing Space. We ensure a standard of care for our guests through vetting, ongoing observation and evaluation and feedback from our guests. We will respond quickly to any concerns brought up from guests or healers from a position of promoting transparency, accountability, harm reduction and repair. 

  • (Trauma-Informed) Staff Training: Our team comprises individuals who are adept in security measures, including first aid, crisis de-escalation tactics, and emergency responsiveness, ensuring that expert care and comfort are always within reach.

  • Community Partnerships (Cultural and Community Humility): By working in tandem with local groups and organizations, we extend the protective measures within our walls to the broader community, fostering security that is both intimate and gentle. Additionally, we actively seek partnerships with organizations and businesses that share (and expand) our values of accessibility, diversity, and safety (in action).

  • While our space is open to everyone, we place emphasis on the healing needs of those with bodies and experiences that have often been left behind in the dominant culture. Black, Brown, Indigenous, Queer, gender diverse, Neurodiverse, disabled, and fat-bodied folks are welcome, celebrated and accommodated in our space. We will continue to actively listen, learn, and engage with respect for perspectives that may often be left out.

Language Justice Statement

At Sex Down South, we uphold the principle of language justice—a commitment to breaking down communication barriers and building bridges across our diverse community. We believe everyone, regardless of the language they speak or their hearing disabilities, should have access to the full spectrum of services and activities we provide.


The Scope of Our Commitment

Our dedication to language justice goes beyond traditional spoken and signed languages. We recognize that language is multifaceted—it can be expressed through the body, through art, and even through the rhythms of dance. Thus, we seek to expand our concept of language justice to encompass expressive methods like:

  • Brainspotting

  • Art Therapy

  • Dance /Movement Therapy 

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)


By adopting these modalities, we acknowledge the vastness of human expression and cater to the communication needs of all individuals.


Features of the Healing Space (offers): 

  • Meditation

  • Aromatherapy

  • Sound healing

  • Spiritual Readings

  • Massage

  • Cuddling

  • Ancestral and Intuitive Energy and Bodywork

  • Healing sensual and erotic arts

  • Somatically focused healing modalities

  • On-call emotional care


** Though we may provide the opportunity of a wide range of healing modalities, iterations of curating  the Healing Space for specific situations and events will result in different selections of offerings depending on differences in space, capacity, suitability and availability of healers. 

Would you like to volunteer to be a Healer?

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© 2023 by SDS Conferences, LLC | 401-365-4448 

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